Online Resources
Child Adolescent Psychological and Educational Resources (CAPER) has resources for teachers, students and parents on topics such as bullying, stress, coping and wellbeing.
Beyondblue is an Australian independent non-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental disorders.
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is committed to empowering all Australians to have safer, more positive experiences online. The Office was established in 2015 with a mandate to coordinate and lead the online safety efforts across government, industry and the not for profit community.
The Bullying. No Way! website for Australian schools is managed by the Safe and Supportive School Communities Working Group which has representatives from all states and territories, including the Catholic and independent schooling sectors.
Student Wellbeing Hub. Feeling safe and supported is the right of everyone in the school community. The resources available on the Student Wellbeing Hub help to create learning communities that promote student wellbeing and the development of respectful relationships. The Hub is underpinned by the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, which highlights the importance of educators, parents and students working together. We can make a difference, starting now.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is the independent statutory authority taskedwith ensuring most elements of Australia’s media and communications legislation, related regulations, and numerous derived standards and codes of practice operate effectively and efficiently, and in the public interest. The ACMA is also a ‘converged’ regulator, created to bring together the threads of the evolving communications universe, specifically in the Australian context the convergence of the four ‘worlds’ of telecommunications, broadcasting, radio communications and the internet. Congruent with its converged nature, the ACMA bridges a diverse collection of legislated objectives. The agency has responsibilities under four principal acts: the Radio communications Act, the Telecommunications Act, the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act and the Broadcasting Services Act. There are another 22 Acts to which the agency responds in areas such as spam, the Do Not Call Register, and interactive gambling.

The National Children’s and Youth Law Centre (‘NCYLC’, ‘the Centre’) is a Community Legal Centre dedicated to addressing human rights issues for children and young people in Australia through legal change – the only community legal centre of its kind in Australia.

"The Innerbody website's bullying prevention resources page is a comprehensive guide to help parents, teachers, and students identify, prevent, and address bullying. The page provides information on different types of bullying, signs to look out for, and tips on how to handle bullying situations. The website also offers a glossary of relevant terms and interactive quizzes to test knowledge on bullying prevention. Additionally, the page lists various organizations and hotlines that can offer support and resources to individuals dealing with bullying. The resources aim to promote a safe and inclusive environment and empower individuals to take action against bullying."