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Updated: Mar 25, 2019

School Bullying & the PEACE Pack

As reported by Slee (2017) research with over 9000 students (aged 7-17yrs) from around Australia indicates that 23% report being victimized on a weekly basis and 7% indicate they could definitely join in bullying another child. Incidence of bullying rates are self-reported as highest in the primary years and in the early years of secondary school. As noted by the author (Slee, 2017) reviews of research indicate that bullying is physically harmful, emotionally hurtful and socially isolating.

The P.E.A.C.E. Pack is a successful intervention framework dealing with bullying in schools The framework was developed in consultation with teachers, students, principals, parents and school administrators from day-care centres, kindergartens and primary and secondary schools. have all contributed to the development of the P.E.A.C.E pack. Particularly valuable contributions to the package were made by the representatives of various secondary and primary schools who met in focus groups over the course of two years to develop, implement and evaluate intervention programs for reducing school bullying.The idea of ‘student voice’ has gained increased emphasis in research. This reflects a move away from viewing young people as passive and vulnerable individuals to an outlook that values them as active agents in the research process. For a long time, however, children and young people have not had a voice in either the research process or the outcomes of research. Rather, they participated at the behest of adults, whose views have long been privileged over those of children. Children’s and young people’s role in research consisted solely of responding to adult instructions or demands eg filling out questionnaires or responding to interview questions: as passive recipients or objects at the centre of adult enquiry. Schools genuinely seeking reform and change in relation to school bullying should actively seek out children’s and young people’s ideas and views regarding interventions.

The acronym P.E.A.C.E has been used to help organise the material presented in this package under the following headings:

P” Preparation and consideration of the nature of the problem.

E” Education and understanding of the issues by those concerned.

A” Action taken and strategies developed to reduce bullying.

C” Coping strategies which are implemented for staff, students and parents.

E” Evaluation and review of the program in place at school

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