In this booklet 8 practical 8 classroom lessons are provided with activities for students aged between 9-14 years of age. Cyberbullying is the use of digital technology to bully a person or group with the intent to hurt them socially, psychologically or even physically (Office of the eSafety Commissioner). Cyberbullying often occurs in many guises and may seriously affect the physical and mental wellbeing of children.
It is available to purchase in the CAPER shop.
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Menabò, L., Skrzypiec, G., Slee, P. & Guarini, A., 26 Apr 2023, What roles matter? An explorative study on bullying and cyberbullying by using the eye-tracker . British Journal of Educational Psychology. 21 p., e12604.
Menabò, L., Skrzypiec, G., Slee, P. & Guarini, A., ( 2023). Victimization and cybervictimization: The role of school factors: Journal of Adolescence. 14 p.
Menabò, L., Caravita, S. C. S., Skrzypiec, G., Slee, P. & Guarini, A., (2024)Effects of victimization and perpetration in observing bullying scenes: an eye-tracker study. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 24, 2, 9 p., 1